
Digital and Print

CAPTURE THE STORY BEFORE IT FADES​Project Profiles Video.Digital.Print


To create high-quality videos and print/digital publications that will be seen, read and retained by key building decision makers regarding real estate, site selection, new construction and renovation. To provide vital information to meet the needs of business owners, commercial developers and local governments.

​​Profiles in Construction 
Over the years, the leadership at Construction Publishing has worked closely with advisers including owners, developers, brokers, architects, construction companies and government officials to produce and distribute publications to decision makers in the business world and construction industry. Each digital and video project profile and publication features new construction and renovation projects that have been recently completed.

Our editorial and video production teams work hand in hand to tell the story of each project, including insights from the team that built it in order to provide information to key builders, developers and facility owners in the region. Construction Publishing strives to be a major source of information on issues and trends that improve the building and development process while spotlighting the teams involved.

 At Construction Publishing writers and editors bring years of experience reporting on the building industry and profiling projects through digital and printed magazines. The addition of video content is essential in today's marketplace.  

The Project Review
Construction Publishing profiles construction projects that are built with pride and have outcomes that reflect the talent, skills and expertise of the project team.  Construction Publishing is working with architects, general contractors and facility owners to identify and profile construction projects that have recently been finished and delivered. 

Video Content
Engaging today’s business owners and key project team leaders requires more than a simple picture and a few lines of copy. It takes video to tell the project’s story. Video content also lends itself to today’s marketing strategies, which involve social media, websites and more. 

Content Distribution
If needed, our team will work with clients to help get the video and print case studies distributed to targeted audiences that include: 

  • Regional Contractors, Architects and Engineering Firms
  • Company Executives with more than 100 Employees (CEOs, VPs, CFOs, COOs, In-House Architects) 
  • Government Officials
  • Developers
  • Investment Bankers


  • Project Profiles
  • Client Testimonials
  • Project Team Interviews
  • Company Profile
  • Building Strategies

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